
Yard Duty There are always teachers in the yard before school from 8:45am, at recess and lunch time, and after school until 3:45pm, to supervise the children. Occasionally, as in any play situation, accidents occur. Any superficial injuries will be attended to by the teacher in charge of first aid. You will be contacted if any head injury or serious injury occurs.

Lunch Lunches are eaten in the classroom from 1.40pm - 1.50pm. Teachers supervise lunch. Lunch boxes and drink bottles should be labelled.

There is a canteen available for snacks and price lists are available on the website. Children are not permitted to buy their lunch at the local shops. For safety reasons glass drink containers are not permitted. We recommend that children not be given excessive amounts of money to spend at the canteen. Children are encouraged to bring a nutritional light snack for morning recess.

Extreme Weather On wet days and extremely hot days, children remain in the classroom during recess and lunch times. Teachers share the supervision of the children in the classroom. Please ensure children come appropriately dressed for varying weather conditions. For example: coat for rainy days, shorts and t-shirts/dresses for hot days.